Career development and change

Career coaching - Find the path for your career

Career development and change

Career development

Perhaps you’re wanting to progress your career but not getting the opportunities internally or externally or you’re not sure what your next steps should be. You could be considering a role change within your company or looking at your options outside of your current role and company. You could be just looking at the skills and experience you need to acquire to achieve the next role up. Make the most of my career in recruitment, career changes and providing professional development to others to help to promote the development of your career.

Career change

You’ve chosen your career, done the study, but hey its just not floating your boat anymore...or you’re considering a change after children, re-entering the workforce, redundancy, retirement, Covid-19 or just because! Perhaps it’s a business you’re interested in. Perhaps you’re having difficulty finding the work you want to do. Whatever the reason, you’re not sure what direction to take, what decision to make, and what your next steps should be. My career in recruitment and executive search, my change in careers and my experience launching several businesses provides some background for you to look at your options.

01 — Initial Strategy Session

An in-depth delve into your area(s) that you want to work on, identifying any limiting factors and then determining the strategy to move forward in detail. Key steps can be provided to get you on track.

Consultations can take place via phone, or video options such as Zoom and Google Meet, or in face to face sessions based in Meadowbank or Newmarket, Auckland.

This is a 1.5 - 2 hour introductory session. Please fill out the form as you Add To Cart, so I can contact you as soon as possible to schedule our consultation. Get started today!

02 — One off coaching session

One on one coaching to understand your area(s) of focus, strategy and next steps you could take to move you forward.

What do you want to get results in?

Career development - are you wanting to clarify your career direction and progression?

Career change - are you wanting to explore your options?

Consultations can take place via phone, or video options such as Zoom/Google Meet.

This is a 45 minute introductory session. Please fill out the form as you Add To Cart, so I can contact you as soon as possible to schedule our session. Get started today!

03 — Monthly Package of 3 sessions

Whatever you want to focus on, make the most of booking a block group of sessions. This can help us focus on your plan to get the best results in three consultations per month.

45 minutes per session in addition to email support in between time.

Consultations can take place via phone, or video options such as Zoom/Google Meet.

This includes 3 x 45 minute sessions and email support as needed in between sessions. Please fill out the form as you Add To Cart, so I can contact you as soon as possible to schedule our sessions. Get started today!

04 — Career development/change coaching face to face

This option is available in person and can be customised to suit the frequency and duration required. Please reach out to discuss options. Face to face sessions based in Meadowbank or Newmarket, Auckland. This option can also include email/phone support in between sessions and homework as required.

Mark W., Managing Director, Auckland

“I have utilised Denise Corlett for personal coaching for over 12 years. She originally assisted me with my own career coaching and development. Denise now provides advice to and guidance relating to my own businesses.

Denise is well experienced across multiple of business disciplines in small, medium and large organisations. She has a strong understanding of human resources, marketing, business growth strategies and more importantly relationship skills that can be used those areas.

I have recommended Denise to friends and work colleagues and the feedback from all those who have utilised her services is extremely positive. ”

Move your career in the right direction